斯坦利·R. 自由

2005 - 2011年总统

When President Stan 自由 arrived on campus in 2005 as Kettering's sixth president, 他说,他期待着“促进凯特林与弗林特及周边地区的私营和公共部门实体之间建立强有力的合作伙伴关系”."

在缅因州格雷出生并长大. 斯坦利·R. 自由 graduated from Cheverus High School in Portland. 他获得了学士学位, master's and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. 自由 joins Kettering from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., where he has been provost and vice president for academic affairs since January of 1998. 在加入布莱德利之前, 他曾在内布拉斯加大学林肯分校担任工程学院院长13年,并担任该大学负责学术事务的临时副校长. He was the Nebraska representative on the Science and Technology Council of the States, a working group of the National Governor's Association, and he advised Governor's Orr and Nelson on science and technology matters.

他还曾在诺福克的老道明大学担任电气工程系主任, 维吉尼亚州, 也是德克萨斯理工大学的一名教员, where he was founding director of Texas Tech's center for energy research, an associate dean of graduate studies and a member of the Texas Energy Advisory Council. 在他的学术生涯之前, he was employed as a design engineer by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Dr. 自由's research has been supported by grants from several federal agencies including NSF, NASA和海军研究办公室.

When President Stan 自由 arrived on campus in 2005 as Kettering’s sixth president, 他说,他期待着“促进凯特林与弗林特及周边地区的私营和公共部门实体之间建立强有力的合作伙伴关系”.”

问问雷格·贝尔教授就知道了. “诚信, 对他人的关心和远见的敏锐感知只是斯坦·利伯蒂众多性格品质中的一小部分,贝尔说.  “Despite having the shortest tenure of Kettering’s six presidents, Stan’s achievements are significant and will endure.”

或者问问贝尔最喜欢的学生, 加里·考格,1970年, chair of the Kettering Board of Trustees: “On behalf of the Board of Trustees and myself, 我要感谢斯坦·利伯蒂和安吉·利伯蒂在学校历史上最艰难的六年里为学校做出的奉献. 在过去的四年里,这个国家经历了自大萧条以来前所未有的经济危机. 尽管困难重重, Stan moved Kettering forward and deepened our involvement with the community, 城市和州. We wish them good luck and hope they will return to the campus to visit us often,” Cowger added.

在利伯蒂总统的领导下, Kettering stretched both its academic prowess and economic footprint. 2005-2011年在校成绩包括:

  • 开设新的学位课程, 未成年人和集中的领域, 包括医学预科, 法律系的, 生物信息学, 工程物理, 化学工程, the Business degrees were restructured and MBA program launched and expanded.
  • Received a Best in Class National Award for entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Completed construction and dedication of the Innovation Center at 正规的赌博app.  
  • 完成丹麦人和玛丽·路易斯·米勒生命科学和生物工程实验室的建设, 扩大生物化学和医学预科课程.
  • Provided leadership to help turn Flint into a College Town.
  • 拥抱弗林特文化中心, 在大学历史上首次允许学生随时参加音乐和艺术课外活动和课程.
  • Broadened Kettering’s international reach into China with new exchange programs, 适用于本科生和专业人士.  
  • 社区的志愿服务激增.
  • Doubled Kettering’s engagement with 第一个 to two large competitions a year.
  • Resized the University during Michigan’s economic downturn.
  • Hosted special visitors on campus, including Senator Barack Obama and the King of Sweden.


凯特林新的机构使命和战略计划使该大学首次成为区域经济发展的积极合作伙伴. Dr. 自由女神像接待了贝克学院的校长们, 莫特社区学院和密歇根大学弗林特分校于2006年2月推出了“大学城”的口号:“为知识经济准备劳动力。.” It was the first of many “College Town” initiatives co-hosted by the four educational partners.

“斯坦带来了一定程度的专业知识和热情,这总是加强审议并促进积极的解决方案,远远超出了凯特林,”医生说。. 朱丽安·T. 他是弗林特贝克学院的校长. “Stan and Angie’s participation has consistently benefited the entire region. It has been a personal and professional pleasure to know them as friends and colleagues; they will be missed!”

Other examples of Kettering’s economic redevelopment efforts include:

  • 2007年在校园建立了密歇根小企业和技术发展中心(MSBTDC)第六区办事处, 2010年,哪家公司帮助76位客户投资了21美元.6 million in the region, create 257 jobs and 27 new businesses.
  • 创建了企业孵化设施和企业启动和增长加速器(技术工厂),专注于先进技术的商业化.
  • 凯特林赞助的研究活动正在增加,并且基于凯特林拥有的知识产权创建了第一家教师“衍生”公司.

“President 自由 definitely made a tangible contribution to the strength of this region,蒂姆·赫尔曼说, 杰纳西地区商会首席执行官. “他在促进研究和将凯特林融入弗林特社区方面做得非常出色. 正规的赌博app和该地区都从他对学术卓越的关注和他富有远见的领导中受益匪浅,赫尔曼说.


Dr. Joel Berry, professor and head of Mechanical Engineering said Dr. 自由 helped infuse a climate of innovative thought for students and faculty. 他明白有必要将凯特林的思维模式从传统的企业模式转变为一种模式,在这种模式下,冒险和思想和行为上的创新是常态,” Dr. 贝瑞说.  “With a vision and framework for Kettering's future, he exhibited a vital pioneering spirit that can only spread and grow to secure our future.”

As a key institutional player in the state-designated Flint Center of Energy Excellence, 凯特林继续与弗林特市和瑞典沼气国际合作,开展加强生物甲烷生产的研究.

在C的资助下.S. Mott Foundation, Kettering advanced marketing and branding efforts. 媒体 coverage soared to historical highs – more than 25,000 media hits in 2010.  此外,我们还介绍了m.凯特林.edu,一个移动应用程序. 自由的说.  “校友活动的数量有所增加,这样GMI/凯特林校友就可以向他们讲述凯特林的故事.”

正规的赌博app的多元化计划,特别是其大学预科项目,得到了强有力的外部财政支持, 2009年,凯特林的AIM项目被全国多元文化工程专业倡导者协会评为“年度大学预科项目”.  凯特林的生命计划, 为年轻女性开设的大学预科课程, 获得2010年WEPAN女性工程奖,以表彰女性在工程领域的进步(WEPAN代表女性工程主动网络).

教职员评议会主持人. Laura Sullivan博士说. 利伯蒂表明,他履行了自己的承诺,在服务社会方面发挥了榜样作用,没有期望也不需要荣誉. “和他一起工作是我的荣幸, 我很感激他给予我和无国界工程师组织学生的支持,她接着说. “I am excited about the future for Kettering, but I also want Dr. 自由 to know how valuable he has been to its past.”


Dr. 自由结束了凯特林对学生在校期间寻求美术和表演艺术的有限选择.  “我们与弗林特音乐学院/弗林特青年剧院和弗林特艺术学院合作,在凯特林建立了艺术学院,” Dr. 自由的解释. “The program is open to all Kettering students at no cost and is entirely co-curricular.  Students can take private lessons on instruments or voice and they perform in ensembles. 他们还参加各种各样的讲习班,从摄影到戏剧和舞蹈.”

约翰B. 亨利三世, 弗林特艺术学院院长, 他说,大学城计划帮助学生克服了不愿走出自己校园的顾虑. “有了斯坦的支持和远见, 学生参与这个社区丰富的文化产品的目标正在实现. We wish Stan and Angie all good things in the future,” he said.


凯特林通过参与包括大弗林特社区基金会在内的各种董事会,与弗林特社区建立了更好的联系. Additionally, his wife, Angie, served on the board of the Flint Cultural Center Corp., Friends of Sloan-Longway and Kettering’s Friends of the Library and 档案 (FOLA).

“很明显,他明白自己在凯特林的领导角色包括坚定的社区承诺, that it was not enough for Kettering to succeed if its hometown was floundering,凯西·霍顿说, president of the 社区 Foundation of Greater Flint. “He wanted to play a role in generating a more economically vital community, one that was poised to succeed in the future and not just cling to past glories.”

Dr. 斯坦利·R. 自由

Dr. 斯坦利·R. 自由